Request/Guidelines for Parents
To achieve our aim, the school seeks the cooperation of the parents as every child is a joint responsibility of the school as well as parents.
- Parents/Guardians are strongly recommended to attend the Parent-Teacher Meet.
- Remarks made by the Principal or teachers in the School Diary are required to be countersigned by the Parents/Guardians. So, the diary should be regularly checked by the Parents.
- In case of legitimate complaint or a matter requiring serious attention, the class teacher/Principal should be contacted promptly.
- Parents/Guardians are not allowed to visit the academic blocks and provide lunch boxes during school hours to their wards.
- Parents/Guardians are requested to notify the school (in the office) about any change of address and telephone number.
- Special precautions regarding health are to be taken. Parents/Guardians are advised to make a written request to the Principal about the unfitness of their child.
- Absence from class for social functions is strongly discouraged.
- Parents should mention name, class and section of the student on his/her belongings.
- Every student is expected to pay regard to every teacher in and outside the school, whether he/she teaches them or not.
- If a child has any infectious disease, he/she will not be allowed to attend the class.
- Parents/Guardians are requested to note that school phone is for official use only. No student is allowed to make personal calls.
- Parents/Guardians are requested not to send their wards to the school on any type of vehicle like scooter/motorcycle except for bicycle.
- Please note that half day leave will not be granted to your ward, except in case of emergency.
- Please send your ward to the school well in time and in proper school uniform, otherwise he/she will be sent back home.
Note: If either of the parents or the students misbehaves with the teaching or non-teaching members of the school staff, the concerned ward/wards will be debarred from attending the class till the ward satisfies the Principal about his action. However, if a ward or anyone of the parents misbehaves with the Principal, the name of the ward will be struck off from the rolls and his/her security will automatically be forfeited.