It is matter of great pleasure for me to introduce to you St. Attri Sen. Sec Public School under the flagship of Shri Ram Educational & Charitable Trust. This School is an endeavor to encourage professional education in the rural belt of Lalru. The ever changing need and demand for education in the region pertinently gave us a thrust to start this institute /School. Besides state-of-the art infrastructure, classrooms & technology the School will have highly qualified faculty who will bring innovative concepts relating to education. We will offer special privilege to the students of weaker section of the society and will consistently work towards their upliftment through career guidance & counseling. Dear Parents, let we at school and you at home, create for our children an environment which is conducive for their growth into integrated personalities and citizens useful to their community and to their country. We also believe that we can create such an environment only if we recognize clearly the fact that each child is a unique personality and identical copy of which does not exist and has never existed. It is our special responsibility to bring out the unique personality trait in each child and nourish it to grow till her/his full potential is realized. We expect that you will extend full co-operation to make our joint venture successful. Mrs. Sunita Gupta.
(Principal) |